Tips for getting back up after a difficult call

Tips for getting back up after a difficult call


Even if you go into a phone call with a realistic expectation rejection, picking the phone back up after a difficult conversation can still be a challenge.

All agents deal with emotional blows. Here are a few tips to help you get back on the phone after a tough call.

Remember why you’re doing this

You didn’t become a realtor just for fun, did you? Revisiting why we started a journey in the first place can help us stay focused on our goals and remotivate us.

Maybe you’re supporting your family. Maybe you want to be the best real estate salesperson on Earth. Or it could be that you’re saving for a vacation!

Remind yourself what it is you’re working towards. Create a vision board that you can physically look at and inspire yourself whenever you need to.


If you’re really feeling fed up it might be time for a break. There’s no use reaching out to another client when you’re already in a bad headspace.

Go for short walk. Getting fresh air and some sun (combined with a little exercise), and you’ll be feeling reset before you know it.

Throw on a song or playlist to help get those feelings out. An upbeat motivational song to get you going again or a heavy metal bash that will help vent any frustration; whatever works for you!

Call a loved one or friend to talk. Even if you are just having a regular conversation about nothing, it will get you out of your own head.

Don’t take it personally

Easier said than done, right? It can be hard to separate yourself from any hurt feelings, but take a step back and go over the conversation again. Did their anger or frustration have anything to do with you? Odds are they didn’t specifically choose to tell you off when they woke this morning.

Don’t let your ego get in the way. We naturally assume it had something to do with us, but the reality is that every person has their own problems that they’re dealing with.

Give people the benefit of the doubt and don’t make assumptions. You’ll have an easier time dissolving your own anxieties if you accept that it’s not about you.  

Make another call

Sometimes the only way to move on from a bad experience is to try it again. The sooner you make another call, the sooner you can put that bad experience in the rearview.

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