4 Reasons to help Convince Expired Listings Now is the Time to Sell!

We all need little gentle nudges sometimes to get us to the next step in life. Or perhaps more than a little nudge, sometimes we need a boot out the door of a current home and into a bigger or just better one for us. Your job as a realtor in Manhattan is to help convince expired listings that now is the time to give it another go at selling their home. Here are some nudges you can give them to get them thinking.

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1. To take advantage of a favorable market.

One great way to convince an on the fence expired listing to go for it again is to show them the data. Explaining how they can make a profit by selling their home now will help push them towards that decision. Show them the comparable homes for sale in the area and what they’re going for per square foot. Also show them the stats for how many homes are on the market in the area and how quickly they’re selling. These types of testimonials are great incentives.

2. To ease the financial burden.

Perhaps the expired listings you are working with aren’t necessarily looking to turn a profit. However, the expenses of home ownership and the stress are getting to them. Maybe they bit off more than they can handle realistically or they are aging and want to downsize or consolidate. Listen to these reasons and then urge them that now is a good time to make those moves before they get older or before the stress levels build more.

3. To grow and find a bigger space.

Another reason for many expired listings wanting to move is to get more space and upsize. They bought a small place as a couple or single person and now are with someone, are having a baby or perhaps having a second or third child. The point is they need more space. Even though their place didn’t sell the first go around doesn’t mean that cramped feeling has lessened. Encourage them that it’ll be worth it to go through the selling process again to successfully get into a bigger place.

4. To relocate.

Maybe your expired listing is yearning for a different feel for their space, maybe in a different neighborhood or area of the city. Or maybe they want to leave the city altogether because of a new job opportunity or to get more of the small town or country vibe. These are legitimate reasons to want that change and you can validate that and speak to that desire for a change of scenery and pace.

Whatever the reasons for the expired listings you are working with to want to move, those reasons are there. Your job is to flush them out and encourage them that selling is still the right move. Then get those clients in Manhattan on board and make the sale happen!

*ExpLiMO provides high quality leads on a daily basis and offers a unique opportunity for Manhattan and Brooklyn real estate agents to prospect for expired listing leads and grow their business exponentially.